Dâng Hiến – Give Online
We use the standard PayPal portal as our online giving platform. Online giving is simple and secure.
Give Online Now through PayPal
If you prefer to make a physical donation, you can send checks to:
Unity Vietnamese Baptist Church
1616 G Ave
Plano, TX 75074
Contact Anh Huy Vo for more ways to give.
Thank you for your faithfulness and generosity.
Tithes & Offerings
“Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand." - 1 Chronicles 29:14
As followers of Christ, we are compelled to give; not out of guilt but out of gratitude and love.
Building Fund
Unity is a growing family church but we are sharing a facility with other groups. As our church continues to grow, in faith and in numbers, God has placed a desire in our hearts to have a building that we can call our own as the work of the Lord continues to expand.