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Weekly Bible Reading

Weekly Scripture Readings are posted every Friday.  It will include the assigned verses to read along with a short summary. After you read the verses, submit a journal entry.  You can use the SOAP journal entry example method as a guide for your journal entry or answer the questions for the week.



Proverbs is a book in the Old Testament. It is mainly written by the wisest man to ever live, King Solomon. Proverbs provides practical help for everyday life and warns us about the people and pitfalls we’d do well to avoid. It also gives us insight into how to be successful at home, in relationships, money, and more. Proverbs is a list of timeless instructions from God. In each wise saying, we discover how to handle every situation and how to live a God-honoring life.

Bible Journal Entry
Submit your journal entry below.

📖 Scripture: Proverbs 1:1-7

📝 To Do: Read the assigned scripture then submit a journal entry

✅ Submitted Journal: Kim, Preston, Addison, Harry

Fear and being afraid can be confused. The fear of God is not a matter of wanting to stay away from a God who is fearful, or of being afraid of what he might do to us. It is a matter of understanding his claim on us, that he wants us to belong to him in a relationship where we respect and obey him, and he lovingly provides for us everything that we need. We hear a lot about covenants, and in this case, we are told that we cannot become wise unless we acknowledge the terms of his covenant. He is our God, and we respect and worship him. In return he will care for us and provide for us, both in this world and through eternity. 

This relationship provides the only framework that allows us to become truly wise, and keeping our relationship with him in the center of our perspective. It is not just a matter of doing, but also of being. To put it another way, it is about doing the right things for the right reasons. 

The interesting thing is that we find this reference to the fear of God in both the beginning (1:7) but also in the end of Proverbs. 

Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised. Proverbs 31:30 (NLT)

As you read this book, are you willing to submit yourself to God’s claim on your life? Are you willing to be in a covenant relationship with him, where you fear (respect, follow and worship) so that you can gain true wisdom?

📖 Scripture: Proverbs 1:8-19

📝 To Do: Read the assigned scripture then submit a journal entry

Submitted Journal: Kim, Preston, Addison

Verses 8-19 is speaking to each of us as if we were children being instructed by Godly parents. It reminds us that wisdom comes from following the good advice many would get from their parents into their adult years.

Three important lessons from the passage.

First, true success comes from doing the good things we are taught to do.

Secondly, there will always be people who encourage you to do wrong, by telling you it’s fun or that it’s not a big deal excitement. Avoid these people.

Finally, the path of wrongdoing always leads to bad things. If you are right now being tempted by others to do wrong, reject that temptation and stay righteous!

📖 Scripture: Proverbs 1:20-27

📝 To Do: Read the assigned scripture then submit a journal entry about what you learned from these verses

Submitted Journal: Kim, Preston

The author switches to another literary device (this is, after all, a literary form of writing, more like poetry than prose). In this section wisdom is spoken of as a woman who is trying to help keep others out of trouble by getting them to do the right thing. 

The point made is that often in life we know what we should do and what is best for us to do, but we choose not to do what we know is right. Often when we reject right behavior we wish we could go back and make different choices, but that is usually not possible. 

Do you have choices to make today that have possible terrible consequences? Be wise with your choices! 

📖 Scripture: Proverbs 1:28-33

📝 To Do: Read the assigned scripture then submit a journal entry about what you learned from these verses

✅ Submitted Journal: [Preston, Kim]

Today’s passage continues yesterday’s warning of the consequences of making unwise choices. The point is to be reminded that our behavior and our choices will impact our lives, and can bring sorrow and a desire to have another chance, but in this world we often do not get a chance to undo our wrongdoing. We should be thankful for forgiveness that we receive from God through Jesus for the sins we have done, but we should determine to make good choices so that we and others we love will not be impacted by the wrong choices. 

Thinking Questions:

  • What is the main idea of these verses?
  • What is God teaching me about wisdom and knowledge?
  • Is there anything confusing in these verses? Or you don’t understand?
  • Do your choices matter? How can you make better choices?
  • What happens if you make a bad choice? How do you think God will respond? In anger? In forgiveness? 

Think about these questions and write a journal entry about what you learned.

📖 Scripture: Proverbs 2:1-22

📝 To Do: Read the assigned scripture then submit a journal entry about what you learned from these verses

✅ Submitted Journal: [Preston, Kim]

2nd Speech from Father to Son

This entire chapter is the father’s second speech to his son. It is more encouraging (and a little less bloody) than the last one, but his tone is still urgent. If you seek out wisdom you will find it, but you’ve got to look hard.


“Look for [wisdom] as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure.” Then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God.

How badly do you want wisdom? Do you value it as something rare and precious? If so, you’re going to have to work for it like a man digging for gold. The good news is that God is pleased to give wisdom and success to people who seek it, so get ready for the most important treasure hunt that exists! But ye be warned of greed or pride: the best way to succeed is to stay humble and continue to ask God for help.

In verse 5 we learn that “the fear of the Lord” is synonymous with knowing God. Like a child who touches fire and learns its true strength, when we know God, we humbly revere His huge, all-encompassing power. This transforms our stance towards Him, as well as our behavior. Don’t worry if this sounds intense! The father promises that as wisdom “enters your heart,” you will have direction and guidance, and knowledge “will be pleasant to your soul.”

Verses 12-22: There’s a lot of imagery here about the landscape of good or evil paths. The father warns about two specific dangers on the journey: you are going to encounter people who take shortcuts in life at the expense of others (wicked men), or who tempt you to break your marriage covenants or promises (the adulterous woman). These people may seem thrilling at first, but their cheap, twisted, “dark ways” will lead you to misery, or, as the father says, on “paths to the spirits of the dead.” Yikes. Remember, wisdom will keep you away from the grips of these people and will lead you to a life of stability and joy.

Thinking Questions:

  • What is the main idea of these verses?
  • Will wisdom just come to you or do you have to look for it? How do you find wisdom?
  • To grow in wisdom, you have to respect and know God – how do you do this?
  • The chapter warns to be careful of wicked people. What are some dangers in your life you need to avoid?

Think about these questions and write a journal entry about what you learned.

📖 Scripture: John 13:1-17

📝 To Do: Read the assigned scripture then submit a journal entry about what you learned from these verses

📖 Memory Verse: But he was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds we are healed. –  Isaiah 53:5

✅ Submitted Journal: [Kim, Preston]

The Thursday before Easter is known as either Maundy Thursday, or Holy Thursday. This day commemorates Jesus’s last supper with his disciples.

If it was your last night on earth, what would you do? Jesus chose to spend the time with His closest companions, the twelve disciples, celebrating the Passover feast. This “Last Supper” was more than a meal, it was about relationship. 

Jesus sat with his friends in an upper room in Jerusalem. They had shared the Passover meal before, but this time it would be different. The disciples believed Jesus was the Son of God and they knew the Scriptures well. They had an excellent teacher. Surely, they had read the passage in Isaiah 53 about the suffering servant. But had they connected the heaviness of that scripture passage with what they were witnessing that night?

Jesus, rising from the table, took off his outer clothing and wrapped a towel around Him. Then, with the humility of a house slave, Jesus knelt down to wash the feet of His friends. Peter tried to stop Him, but Jesus’ actions were clear and firm. Jesus was setting an example of how to serve one another.

As you serve your family, your church, and your community, do you go to the uncomfortable places to serve like Jesus? Maybe it’s a hard conversation that needs to happen. Maybe you are led to love someone in a way that feels strange or forced or outside your “normal” routine. Sometimes God calls us to the uncomfortable because He knows that through our discomfort, His compassion will spread like wildfire. As you consider the weight of Maundy Thursday, embrace the heart of the Suffering Servant. Ask Jesus to show you how to serve like Him today.

Think about Jesus’ last night before He was crucified. He was going to die the next day but still humbled himself and put loved others first. Think of ways you can be more like Jesus. Give thanks to Him for He chose to die for our sins. Submit a journal of your thoughts from these verses.

📖 Lesson: This week we learned for us to truly know God, we must believe God really exists and reveals Himself to us. He reveals himself through Scripture, creation, Jesus, and more. Knowing God defines who we are. 

📝 To Do: Answer the following questions below. Give reasons to support your answer.

✅ Submitted Journal: [none so far]

  1. How well can we know God? How much can we know about God? Read 1 Corinthians 2:1-16 to help you answer
  2. Who is the source of information about God? Read Ephesians 1:15-23 to help you answer
  3. What is the benefit of knowing God? 
  4. What is something you want to have answered about God? (ex. If God is good, why is there a hell?)




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